Odermatt and Sarrazin ready for a new duel on the Stelvio Slope

In just two weeks, theStelvio slope's starting gate will open for the first downhill of theFIS World Cup eventinBormio: after two days oftimed training runsonDecember 26and27,December 28will crown thenew king of downhillon one of the series' most iconic and feared slopes. TheSuper-Gwill round out the racing program onSunday, December 29.

This edition will be even more meaningful than usual: theOlympic atmosphereis already palpable in Bormio's air, which grows crisper each day. In less than 14 months, the Stelvio slope will be the one to deliver to history thenew Olympic championsinall men's alpine skiing disciplines(as well asski mountaineering).

Inevitably, many have December 28 and 29 circled in red on their calendars,Marco OdermattandCyprien Sarrazinamong them, who split the spoils evenly last season in Bormio: Super-G to the Swiss, Downhill to the Frenchman. They were clearly above the rest in speed events in the 2023-2024 season, and they will arguably bethe ones to watchagain at the Scala theater of speed skiing.

The Beaver Creek Super-G, during the speed opening weekend of December 6-7, already reignited their duel, with the Swiss preceding the Frenchman on the top step of the podium. They will face off next inVal Gardenaand, naturally, in Bormio.


After his DNF in Sölden’s GS, and a second place in downhill in the United States, Marco Odermatt eventually broke the ice with his first seasonal win in the Beaver Creek Super-G. For somebody accustomed to winning like Odi, the holder of the Crystal Globe in the last three seasons, it was good to get that chip off his shoulder.

"The Beaver Creek Super-G really suits me, because it's very technical, but now it's time to look ahead already,"explained the Swiss skier."Bormio is an important crossroads, not just for this season: it will be a sort of dress rehearsal for the Olympics."

"The Stelvio is certainly one of the most difficult slopes in the world,"Odermatt continues,"last year the icy surface made it incredibly hard. You have to stay focused from start to finish; you can't breathe for a moment."

Compared to the usual World Cup schedule, theOlympic raceswill put athletes on the Stelvio at adifferent time, and possibly withdifferent snow conditions."One year before the Milano-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics, it will be the perfect opportunity to test equipment for different conditions. We can't leave anything to chance."

His French rival Sarrazin is also thinking about Bormio, where he won hisfirst ever World Cup downhilllast year:"It was a 'beast' of a day, it was when everything finally clicked for me. I will never forget that triumph on the Stelvio; taming that slope isn't something for anybody to do. At the end of the month, we'll return to Valtellina, and I hope to repeat my performance, aiming high in the Super-G as well."

"I'm not sure how indicative the race will be for the Olympics, as the snow conditions in February could change everything. I think we'll arrive at the Games with this unknown factor, making it even more exciting," adds Sarrazin.

While awaiting the top stars of alpine skiing, theFondazione Bormio teamis working on final preparations to give the best welcome to the World Cup circus and all the ski fans, whileOmar Galli's technical teamtakes care of the snow surface of a slope that promises, as always, spectacular action between theRoccaandSan Pietrojumps,Canalino Sertorelli, the famousCarcentina, and the finalKonta wall.

Tickets to watch a weekend of pure speed live from theBormio Tribuneor theStelvio Terracecan be purchased on the official website:https://skiworldcup.bormio.eu/en/ticket/

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